Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How/Where To Make Your 2010 Season Successful!


Now, if you have been following my blogs, hopefully you are fully prepared and open-minded to all of the responsibilities you must take as both an artist and a business.With the amazing response to the investment blog, I found it more appropriate to tell you the places where it would be best to professionally get your face in front of said investors you don't know of, already.

You see, this is where my plan comes together: Now that you are fully educated, all you need is the money and the network. The list of hot spots in 2010 I name are filled with both. But you need to keep in mind that the strong level of professionalism and marketability that I've demonstrated in the past must all come into play. You're no longer just talking to the A&Rs or the interns trying to get a big sell. These are the people with that check book you want a piece of. And they are not expecting you to come at them like a pro. Let's show them how much you grew up in 2009, huh?

So, before I begin, I know many will argue with me on this but I've been to this place 2 different years to come to this conclusion about it: FUCK "SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST"! You see, there are going to be the conferences where nobody shows up to help you at all. They just want to take your money. And they want you to pay them to play. And they want you to buy certain badges to walk into certain places. And they want you to give them $500 to take the advice (EXACTLY how I've been giving it for free) and come back to them with more money so you can make a deal with them.

Woo-hoo!... So Indie!.... So supportive!... So cutting-edge!...

Fuck that! Take this from someone who was thrown out of his hotel during one of these conferences because he refused to work for labels with this greedy idea of how the industry works. Don't Get Your Money Stolen From You! This is the part of the game that immediately puts me in a rage more than any other(if you can't tell). The thought of artists who need help, giving their money up just to receive guidance, and only have it taken from their hands and swindled so horribly that they have to come to me and simply asked "what happened?" So discouraged, angry, confused, frustrated and even worse... losing faith in their career & dreams.

These are the same people who want me to break down my blog because I give you all the information they sell! These are the same people who can't get deals anymore, so they pull scams on people's dreams to put food on their table. These are the same people who lie that their interns are executive moguls so you'll have to pay more to talk to them. These are the people that this blog was designed to take down! So, if you see one of those fake conferences come to your town, do me a favor and spit in their faces. Tell 'em "Regards from Mellow Brown."

NOW, this is how to be as sneaky as me, play in their own game and gain all of the benefits while attending to some really fun shows, parties and making new friends (after all, that's what music is about, right?):

Midem: The first up is the gold mine. The kingdom. The palace. The mother load.
How come you never heard of this? Because They don't want you to, of course. You see, Midem is so big, that this is where THE LABELS go to get financing. Most labels can't afford to invest in your music, so if they really like your stuff, they fly over to France in January and present it here. This is where they find investors from the major corporations to sponsor or do co-publishing on their clients' art and campaign.

Ever been to a concert and wondered why there were Heineken signs on every exit of the joint? Probably because they signed that deal here.

To get into this place is a battle that even I'm fighting. Some of you even know that as I'm writing this, I have a trip planned to leave the States just to work with a company that wants to open that door for me so I can invite more indie artists in. Look into this soon, because I also want you all to find your way, even if it's before me.

Mobile Beat Mag Las Vegas DJ Show 2010 Feb 9th-11th: Now, I won't lie. This conference is pretty new to me. But, there are few people presenting who have been very good colleagues in the past and very honest in their work. Keep posted on my Twitter as I look into this one, but this looks very excellent for DJ's.

Digital Music Forum(East): I know, I know... There's both an East & West one, but I've only been to the East, as the West is coming up in October. Hopefully, with as much strength as the East carried. Now, if you've been following my blog, I'll be honest... They won't have much else to tell you in terms of facts that I haven't. But, at the time of the conference earlier this year, everyone was focused on internet radio. The one subject I haven't touched on too heavily because I've been exploring solicitation routes with several companies.

So, I would take the time to see if this conference would help YOU and if it's worth the travel. I would also try to either piggyback a distributor or have your music as part of the complimentary discs that will be given to every attendee at the function. Like I said, Think Outside The Box. If you can't afford to get in, who says you have to be there physically?

RAIN Conference Las Vegas
: I actually found out about this conference through a very bad man(my colleagues reading this know who I'm speaking of lol). This is one of the most educational and informative of my entire career. Excellent work. It opened my eyes to three different business strategies so huge, that I will have to touch on them on a very much more professional blog on the new website coming in the near future. I definitely have HIGH recommendations for this show and you'll see me there. Very hard to find. Very secretive. But, will introduce you to new strategies involving digital and Internet Radio.

CES: Yes, I know you've heard of it. And yes, it's also good for music. Digital era started here. Net radio. Satellite Radio. MP3 formats. Every year, something new in the music industry shows it's face here. Now, I don't really recommend going, because it won't accomplish anything too major. But, be sure to follow the coverage of this very close and to start your own strategies for the rest of the year from it. But, if you have the funding, attend it and enjoy yourself.

MUSEXPO 2010: I won't lie - I already can't wait. Very Highly Recommend. Bump into the right people here and you have a career. You see, remember the blog about solicitations? This is a great place to get your music placed into movies, video games, etc. The folks here are looking for the next profit to come their way and they want a face & voice to match their particular image. Now, don't let that sentence scare you. There are many A&R's who are interested in many different types. From playing it on a cheesy car commercial with journals or your song chiming on whenever somebody enters The Gap, this is the place to start talking to people about that.
I will personally be attending again for the next, but not sure if it will be for America the next time. But, who knows? It's so much fun there that I don't want to miss anything on either side of the world:

Winter Music Conference/Ultra Music Festival: Now, some of you may argue, "Mellow, isn't this just like SXSW?!?!" And I'd say yes! Very much! Except one main difference: Less badge nazis. So, the trick here is to just go to the hotel parties, network with awesome people who are going nuts from the Miami atmosphere and start making moves by having a good time. Fuck a badge. You got all the info you needed w/ one drink, directions to the next secret party (Twitter made this past year ROCK, btw) and the same charming sensibility of a business person that you've developed from these blogs. You may even run into a celebrity or two on South Beach! This past year, I got to have a drink with Cassie Steele. I guess Drake isn't the only student from Degrassi High with an album. The world outside the box is looking pretty nice, huh?

CMJ Music Marathon: Why are you not beating down my door asking to go to the one that is coming up THIS YEAR?!?!?! CMJ. Is. For. INDIES. It's college radio! It's the closest thing to international radio we have here in America! This is where small artists become big artists and still love what they do! This is how they can get booked on the major tours! This is how they get funding. You know what? Just look it up and then tell me why you aren't booked for the '09 one. Lol.

And on a side-note, COME TO COMIC-CON 2010! If you followed my Twitter coverage of the 09 event, you know how much I loved it. There are many people there who are advertising their work, but these are the same people you can get friendly in network with and start talking solicitations for big movies, maybe? Iron Man 2 & Thor, you say? Disney is giving Marvel that budget to spend as much as they want on music now, huh? Lol... Just saying. Opportunities come in the strangest places. At least, that's how my career works.

Plus, in 2010, I will be throwing hotel parties in a few of these events, but the HUGE one will be in Comic Con. I hope I can see as many of you there as possible.

So, this blog is just the very tip of the iceberg to some very huge things coming in 2010. Keep track of my Twitter and get ready for a very amazing year. Because I will also be opening the door for international for many of you by the time the New Year's ball drops, this year. ;)

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